Hi! How are you doing? I am doing very well and looking forward to going on my vacation finally! I hope that you already had it or you will have a chance to do the same.
I want to tell you something important. A friend of mine, who is a colleague, called me two weeks ago, burst into tears. I was in shock! When I asked her what happened, she said, “I was just about to send my registration dossier with a courier to the authority, when I found out that an update in the formulation part had just been made. This means that I have to change many things in the application dossier and waste time. My boss is going to be really mad at me!!!” This was not totally her fault though. But this kind of things might happen to people like you and me so we need to be really careful about that. I want to share my tips with you in order to avoid this kind of things:
- Always have a good communication with your team. Be transparent about sharing information and do it clearly.
- Do not procrastinate! We, as humans tend to delay the things, which is a common act. However this may cause some serious problems like my friend experienced. So manage the time effectively.
- Be systematic! Ask for the changes to your team members (even if you have a tremendous software system to see the updates about the product) in your product on a regular basis like twice a week. Nobody can do the follow up for you, better than yourself. After learning about the updates or changes put it in a table or a chart and keep it clear to follow. (I also talked about this point in my previous posts, but it is efficient!)
- Cross-check! Either you or your peer should check the dossier after preparing it, with the Raw Data sent to you. Especially check the parts: Composition, Formulation, Storage Condition, Specifications and Packaging. This may sound simple but I would recommend not to take this step for granted!
- Have regular meetings with the relevant departments on the updates of the products and collaborate in order to do trouble-shooting and focus on the solutions for this kind of issues.
Have you ever experienced such a thing? Would you like to share it? Please express your comments below.
Have a wonderful week!